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Compliant Legos

FlexLinks were developed for quick turn-around proof-of-concept prototyping of compliant mechanisms. Combined with commercial components from the LEGO Group, custom compliant components can be used to build a wide range of compliant mechanisms. This page includes files that can be downloaded to make a number of custom compliant components that are compatible with LEGO components. Two file formats are provided for each component: dxf and vnc. We hope that you find these files useful.

Picture Description

Cantilever Beam
5" Cantilever Beam. It can be cut to other desired sizes. Pivot point is approximately 85% from the load to the fixed end.

Files: 5_Cantilever.dxf, 5_Cantilever.vnc

Cantilever Beam Adjust
Can be used to fix the end of the cantilever beam at any point along its length.

Files:   CantiAdjust.dxf CantiAdjust.vnc

Large Cross-Axis Flexural Pivot
When two are placed in alternating directions, atop of each other, they produce a cross-axis flexural pivot. The pivot point is approximately at the cross (center of mechanism).

cross_axis_LRG.dxf cross_axis_LRG.vnc,
cross_axis_MED.dxf cross_axis_MED.vnc
cross_axis_SML.dxf cross_axis_SML.vnc,

Fixed-Fixed Beam - Straight

1"  1_FF.dxf 1_FF.vnc
3"  3_FF.dxf 3_FF.vnc
5"  5_FF.dxf 5_FF.vnc

Fixed-Fixed Beam - Out of Plane

1"  1_horizontal_FF.dxf 1_horizontal_FF.vnc
3"  3_horizontal_FF.dxf 3_horizontal.vnc
5"  5_horizontal_FF.dxf 5_horizontal_FF.vnc

Fixed-Fixed Beam - Initially Curved

1"  1_curved_FF.dxf 1_curved_FF.vnc
3"  3_curved_FF.dxf 3_curved_FF.vnc
5"  5_curved_FF.dxf 5_curved_FF.vnc

Fixed-Fixed Beam - Half Circle

1"  1_half_circle_FF.dxf 1_half_circle_FF.vnc
3"  3_half_circle_FF.dxf 3_half_circle_FF.vnc
5"  5_half_circle_FF.dxf 5_half_circle_FF.vnc

Fixed-Slotted Beam - Straight

1"  1_slotted.dxf 1_slotted.vnc
3"  3_slotted.dxf 3_slotted.vnc
5"  5_slotted.dxf 5_slotted.vnc

Peg Board

2 x 3     2x3Peg.dxf 
2 x 6     2x6Peg.dxf
2 x 9     2x9Peg.dxf 2x9Peg.vnc
2 x 12   2x12Peg.dxf

Right Angle

Files: RtAngle.dxf

45 Bend

Files: RtAngle45.dxf


Files: satellite_dish.dxf


Files: airplane.dxf
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