The Compliant Mechanisms Research Group at Brigham Young University (CMR) is extending the current boundaries of knowledge for compliant mechanism analysis and design in the macro, micro, and nano regimes.
The research objective of the CMR is to perform excellent engineering research in compliant mechanisms and microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) that is responsive to the needs of industry and society. The CMR has an educational objective of helping BYU students gain technical competence, confidence, and a desire to be an influence for good.
The National Science Foundation has awarded the CMR a three-year research contract for "Lamina Emergent Mechanisms," or LEMs. LEMs are compliant mechanisms fabricated from planar materials (lamina) but are able to produce motion that emerges out of the fabrication plane.
Prof. Larry Howell received the ASME Mechanisms & Robotics Award at the 2009 Design Engineering Technical Conferences held in San Diego, California. The award is made to a scholar for cumulative contributions to the field of mechanism design or theory.