Bistable Compliant Mechanisms

General Information

Bistable Compliant Mechanisms are useful in applications where two distinct positions are desired. Such applications can include: switches – on and off positions, position control – up and down positions, and valves – open and closed positions. Bistable compliant mechanisms provide several advantages over traditional mechanisms:

compliant bistable mechanism

The Market

Possible applications include switches, power buttons, containers, valves, positioning mechanisms, and any other application where two positions are desirable.

Patent Information

Patent #6,215,081

Licensing Information

For licensing information, contact the BYU Office of Technology Transfer.

Additional Resources

Jensen, B.D. and Howell, L.L., “Identification of Compliant Pseudo-Rigid-Body Four-Link Mechanism Configurations Resulting in Bistable Behavior,” Journal of Mechanical Design, Trans. ASME, Vol. 125, No. 4, pp. 701-708, 2003.

Jensen, B.D. and Howell, L.L., “Bistable Configurations of Compliant Mechanisms Modeled Using Four Links and Translational Joints,” Journal of Mechanical Design, Trans. ASME, Vol. 126, No. 4, pp. 657-666, 2004.